Thurston County Scanner

Thurston County Broadcastify Scanner Stream Update Log

Thurston County Scanner
Date Time Event Notes
Ongoing Ongoing Monitor Digital System Monitor all talk groups for additions and deletions to the broadcastify feed.
2025-2-24 12:00 Upgraded Digital Trunk Antenna Omni antenna was getting garbled transmission during rain events. New antenna is working well.
2025-2-18 12:00 Started streaming scanner on YouTube Stereo stream. Additional firecrew channels added to YT stream. Left= first boradcast detected, Right= secondary broadcast detected.
2025-1-09 19:00 Lost primary antenna connection. Stream went silent. Switched to backup antenna. Will be replacing coax with low-loss cables.
2024-12-28 20:00 Replace antenna coax Replaced antenna coax to scanners to eliminate an adapter point.
2024-12-18 18:30 Added Active Multicoupler Active Multicoupler added to scanner anteanna feed point.
2024-12-10 10:40 Hot Swap Scanner with new channel lineup Removed several of the encrypted channels from the channel lineup.
2024-12-05 08:15 Test Hot Swap Scanner Test ability to program backup scanner and hot swap it out without dropping the stream. Success.
2024-12-04 15:00 Adjusted Channel Lineup Removed all Fire Crew Channels as they are mostly used for training exercises. Added a few others for now.
2024-11-30 17:00 Added TCSO Calls Added TCSO Past Incident Logs with Search Function to the web site.
2024-11-29 16:00 Add Talk Groups Added Fire Command and Crew Talk Groups to scanner lineup and updated Aplha Tags.
2024-11-27 08:00 Updated Alpha Tag Updated alpha tag meta data from testing message to: Thurston Co. WA
2024-11-21 15:30 System O/S updates New O/S update took out the sound capture card - troubleshoot - replace - update drivers - Audio returned around 22:30
2024-11-21 12:00 System O/S updates Security updates applied and reboot required
2024-11-20 14:30 Scanner programmed - Live Stream New scanner in place and first live stream of the digital system
2024-11-19 10:00 Full backend upgrade New computer system, sound capture card and operating system installed
2024-11-18 07:00 Stream Down T-COMM911 began switching over to Digital Trunked system.