Thurston County Scanner

Radio 10 Codes and Phonetics

Thurston County Scanner

10 Codes

Code Description
10-4Acknowledgement - OK - Understood.
10-7Out of Service.
10-8Responding - Enroute - In-service.
10-15All good, situation normal.
10-24Assignment complete - Returning to Station.
10-42Going home or at home. "He's at his 42"
10-81Back in Quarters - Back at the Station - "I'm out at 81"
99Out on break / meal break. Sometimes "99 on portable"
Code 1Responding to the call without using lights or sirens.
Code 2Responding to the call with emergency lights activated, in an expedited manner.
Code 3Responding to the call with lights and sirens activated, in an expedited manner.
Code 9County Coroner.
Code 10Emergency Traffic Only (Only radio traffic for current call) - See Restricted Traffic in terminology section.
Code 12Private Carrier - Ambulance.
Code 15All good, situation normal.
Code 42Used for mental health emergencies.

Radio Phonetic Alphabet

Letter Phonetic Letter Phonetic Letter Phonetic
AAdam BBoy CCharles
DDavid EEdward FFrank
GGeorge HHenry IIda
JJohn KKing LLincoln
MMary NNora OOcean
PPaul QQueen RRobert
SSam TTom UUnion
VVictor WWilliam XX-Ray
YYoung ZZebra